
Date of meeting: 15 December 2022


Agenda Item 61





Independent Councillors Amendment


Mental Health Emergency   

That the relevant changes are made to the recommendations as shown below in strikethrough and bold italics:


This council:


  1. Notes the demand on mental health services outlined in the Mental Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessment [1] which highlights that the demands on and levels of need for mental health services in Brighton & Hove is high compared to England, in the case of children and young people, as well as working age adults and older adults
  2. declares its recognition of a local and national mental health emergency
  3. recognises the Brighton & Hove Citizens campaign and commits to work in partnership to ensure the voices of young people and marginalised communities are included in every step of the work to address the mental health emergency


Therefore, resolves to:


  1. Request the chief executive writes to the Education Secretary requesting Note the need for resources to better equip education providers to deal with the challenges of poor mental health for students, teachers and staff;
  2. Request a report be brought to Health and Wellbeing Board which:
  1. explores the options for rolling out school and college-based counselling across the city
  2. receives an update on funding committed at Budget Council in February on mental health first aid training


  1. Request a report to Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee which: 
  1. calls for greater collaboration between NHS and other public services including council and police 
  2. sets out what training is and can be provided to frontline public services including education providers, police and the community and voluntary sector
  3. sets out a plan for regular reports back to the committee 
  4. outlines local Mental Health Emergency Response Service provision and recommends improvements


Proposed by: Cllr Fishleigh                                            Seconded by: Cllr Janio

Recommendations to read if carried:


This council:


  1. Notes the demand on mental health services outlined in the Mental Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessment [1] which highlights that the demands on and levels of need for mental health services in Brighton & Hove is high compared to England, in the case of children and young people, as well as working age adults and older adults
  2. declares its recognition of a local and national mental health emergency
  3. recognises the Brighton & Hove Citizens campaign and commits to work in partnership to ensure the voices of young people and marginalised communities are included in every step of the work to address the mental health emergency


Therefore, resolves to:


  1. Note the need for resources to better equip education providers to deal with the challenges of poor mental health for students, teachers and staff;
  2. Request a report be brought to Health and Wellbeing Board which:
  1. explores the options for rolling out school and college-based counselling across the city
  2. receives an update on funding committed at Budget Council in February on mental health first aid training


  1. Request a report to Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee which: 
  1. calls for greater collaboration between NHS and other public services including council and police 
  2. sets out what training is and can be provided to frontline public services including education providers, police and the community and voluntary sector
  3. sets out a plan for regular reports back to the committee 
  4. outlines local Mental Health Emergency Response Service provision and recommends improvements